Liz as Judar from Magi with an Aladdin cosplayer, terribly out of focus

A-kon 2018 Failures (and full gallery links)

The cosplay this year was INCREDIBLEThe down-side was how very hot it was outside. I wound up doing an awful lot of the crowded hallway “Can I please take your pictures–oop, sorry–lemme snap this as fast as possible and get out of everyone’s way”. PLUS, I didn’t even know there were panel rooms upstairs until the second day. *sigh*

Anyway, since, you can find all of the images on my smugmug, I thought I would focus this post more on the failures and frustrations of getting home after the con, sitting down in front of your computer and discovering that half of the images you really liked had


Liz cosplaying Raven and Kazul Cosplay out of focus


A Toothless and Hiccup cosplay, which is also out of focus


Soft focus on 3 Persona cosplayers



It is par for the course when you insist on just using your 50mm lens because it’s easier and is better at separating the subjects from the foreground, but YOU WERE SUPPOSED TO BE MY FRIEND, DEPTH OF FIELD. While I am on this group of (fab) Persona cosplayers, the EVEN MORE FRUSTRATING occurance is when you do have a picture that is in focus but…

…someone’s face is blocked, or…


…there’s a–now, very noticeable–person in the background that you didn’t notice before.




*mutters into infinity*

That said, I did get some great shots that are all now up on my smugmug and will be uploading to Instagram in these coming days. I’m not quite done yet though. Of my favorites, I have been inspired to photo manipulate for the first time in AGES, so those might take a bit longer, but I am having a lot of fun with them.

You can find the full gallery here. From there, I would appreciate if you could spare $5 to download any full-sized image you want or $2 for a full-sized image with a print mark (the little logo in the bottom corner) as well as several cheaper options for lower-quality copies. However, if you can’t swing that, feel free to drop a line in the contact page here and we can figure something out. 🙂

If you are one of the pictured, please let me know so that I can credit you properly and I will be more than happy to take down any image you do not want on my website/smugmug/social media.