In this episode of Jacqui is Becoming a Graphic Designer Entirely on Accident, I now have a fabric store.
Back Stitch Crazy is a store that my sister an I have started on SpoonFlower, an on-demand fabric and wall paper service, where we are both putting up our respective patterns that we have designed. As of writing this, we have not received samples for most of the designs visible on the store due to the Covid-19 crisis slowing everyone down (not their fault!! They’re usually super fast!). As such, the only pattern available for order is the Tea & D pattern in black & white and pastel.

I was able to use the samples sent to make masks for my sister and myself.
That said, via the implementation of the Design Challenges, I have found myself sort of forced to actually get better at illustration and design. I have now made two designs specifically for the challenges, The Angler Fish and the D&D Toile.
If you would like to further check out me and my sister’s designs, please feel free to follow this link to the Back Stitch Crazy storefront. To see the designs that are public but not available for sale, click on the link on the lower left of the interface that says “Designs Not For Sale”. If you create an account on SpoonFlower, you can also vote for my designs in their respective challenges. Designs that find themselves in the top 50 of the popular vote get better positioning on the front page of the SpoonFlower market place and hopefully aid in sales.
I am well and truly enjoying myself.

Designed on Procreate for the Off the Wall Toile challenge on SpoonFlower
Pictured on a Duvet Cover

Designed on Procreate for the Bioluminescence challenge on SpoonFlower
Pictured on Wallpaper

Designed on paper with sharpie & vectorized using Adobe Capture
Pictured on a Tablecloth